Rocky Mountain
Ecodharma Retreat Center

A Home for Meditation in Nature

How You Can Help

There are Many Ways to Donate to RMERC:

The Ecodharma Center was entirely founded and funded by generosity. In the Buddhist tradition, generosity (known by the Pali word “dana”) is a central practice, an opportunity to reflect on and recognize our interconnectedness and to give as an expression of our care to support the sangha (community).  RMERC is a special place; for nature, for practice, and for community building. We welcome you to join us in ensuring that the Center thrives so that many can learn on, and from, the land for years to come.   
We welcome your generosity in whatever way feels generous given your current circumstances and resources.  Any amount is appreciated.  If a financial donation is not possible for you today, we hope you will join our e-mail list to stay in touch, and to consider signing up to hear about future volunteer opportunities.  Thank you for your interest and your support.  Welcome to the RMERC community.  We are glad you are here. 

Checks can be made out to:


and send to:

PO Box 351
Niwot, CO 80544

Please add a note that the payment is for a Donation. Thank you!

Donate Cryptocurrency to RMERC on the platform:

Tax Exempt Information
Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center is a tax exempt charity under IRS section 501(c)(3). All donations to RMERC are tax deductible, and donations $250 or over will receive a formal receipt for your tax records. To see the IRS letter showing our tax exempt status, please click here

Under the CARES Act, taxpayers can now take a deduction for up to $300 in charitable contributions if they don’t itemize on their 2020 tax form. This is a flip from the previous rule that required itemization for a tax break
Tax-Free Donations from an IRA

If you are over 70 here is a great way to give: you can donate directly from an IRA, it is tax free, and the donation still counts towards your required minimum distribution.

You can also donate stock, which is a fantastic way to use it. Donated stock is not subject to capital gains tax (as stock is if sold), and you still get a tax deduction based on full current value. You are essentially double dipping, legally. Giving stock is simple using our account at Stockdonator:

Donate Stock to Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center

If the link above is not helpful, you may transfer stock directly via your broker and then notify Stockdonator about the transfer. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTIFY STOCKDONATOR OF THE TRANSFER USING THIS FORM:

Stock Donation Intitiation Request Form


For more information, see:

Leadership Donations - Be a Hero!

If you are able to consider a leadership donation of $5000 or more, please contact the RMERC Treasurer, at [email protected].

Be of Service: Volunteer

RMERC is a labor of love that has only been made possible through the efforts of many dedicated and generous people. Thousands of volunteer hours have been given, and many more are needed. There are fun workdays and weekends planned throughout the year. Join our volunteer list below to be notified of upcoming opportunities:

Click Here to Volunteer

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For other contact information, see Contact Us.

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2024 Retreats

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NOTE: The first and last days of back-to-back bookings overlap by one day.

That is, you can check in the same day as another party is checking out, or you can check out the same day as another party is checking in. Check-in time is 2 pm, and check-out time is 2 PM (disregard times on the calendar).

Stay up to Date on Retreat Offerings, Webinars, and Ecodharma News!