Rocky Mountain
Ecodharma Retreat Center

A Home for Meditation in Nature

Deck Demolition Volunteer Day! Wed Nov 27

Deck Demolition Party on Wednesday, November 27!

The old west deck is coming down, and making way for a brand spanking new one!

We will spend the day demolishing the old deck to make way for the new! This will be physical work.

Followed by a meal provided by us at 2pm!

Date: November 27
Time: Starting at 9 am.
Directions: To be sent to people who RSVP

What should you bring? A sunhat, sun screen, water bottle, work gloves, boots, work clothes, a hammer and prybar, if you have them, and a positive mental attitude.

Please RSVP here.

RSVP to Take Down the Deck!



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NOTE: The first and last days of back-to-back bookings overlap by one day.

That is, you can check in the same day as another party is checking out, or you can check out the same day as another party is checking in. Check-in time is 2 pm, and check-out time is 2 PM (disregard times on the calendar).

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